Million Ways to Help… or How to Stand Up & Take an Action.

When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.

That’s where your power is.

There are a lot of people who sit in fear and quilt these days… 

  • Guilt for not being able to fight at the frontier 

  • Guilt for not knowing how to help

  • Guilt for not wanting to step up

  • Guilt for leaving homes in order to survive 

  • Guilt for feeling hate towards Russians 

  • Guilt for not feeling hate towards Russians…

 While I agree that it is a lot to navigate and it’s heavy, let’s remember that we get to choose how to act. There are million ways to step up and move forward with an action plan. There is no such a thing as a small action, everything counts:

  1. Take care of yourself and your emotional state. Only if you keep your s**t together, you are able to take care of the others.

  2. Keep working if you can. Life still goes on and you will need funds & resources for tomorrow.

  3. Be compassionate and don’t underestimate little things: a call to a friend, a hug to a kid - nothing is a small deed when it comes to kindness.

  4. Volunteer. See where you can actually help with your time and being physically present.

  5. Have a break from social media. Rather go for a walk, have tea-time or exercise.

  6. Share what’s happening (double check for fake info beforehand), but without spreading anxiety; rather inspire people to take an action.

  7. Meditate, pray, chant… and if you do not believe in any of it – spend 10 minutes to read the scientific researches that proves the existence of ripple effect and energy work.

  8. If you have business, see if you can donate X% of sales towards donations.

  9. If you are a professional, see if you can provide free or discounted services to those who need it.

  10. If you are a teacher, see if you can organize zoom learning for all kids that are in refugee camps now.

  11. If you are a musician, maybe write a song that will inspire those who are at the frontier…

I can go on and on, the point is Move to Action. Emotional intelligence teaches us how to understand, manage and use our emotions to navigate and lead in life. Whatever emotion you have right now- use emotional intelligence to shift what you think has to be shifted. That’s a superpower! 

…and be gentle to yourself. It’s a lot. It’s heavy.

Stay present with what’s real. Take care of yourself and others, as we need you to build the future, once we overcome … (I wanted to say “win”, but there is no winning) … once the war is over.


HALT method... or how to regulate negative emotions using self-awareness


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